Make a trip to Gili Trawangan

On an island not so far, far away, backpackers are known to drink throughout the night, and dance until the sunlight just before they “sober up” near a sandy firelight. Gili Trawangan is one of a kind, especially in comparison to the beautifully tamed other Gili islands. While the average alcohol and shrooms content of Gili T island partiers is highly toxic, the views are uncontrollably addictive. Be prepared because Gili T is the type of place where a two-day trip turns into five.

Getting there:
It’s quite easy to get from Bali to the Gilis. You have a two options: a flight or a ferry. If you’re the trains, planes, and automobiles type, you can board a cheap flight from Denpasar (around Rp 200k), and then continue by boat from Lombok to Gili. The other option is to take a fast or slow boat (depending on your budget and time) from one of the ports in Bali: Pandang Bai, Amed, or Serangan. Included in most prices is a free transfer that picks you up and drops you off at your destination in Bali. We admit that the Balinese are incredibly clever salespeople, but don’t be an incredibly foolish tourist. The prices labeled online are more expensive than they are at a travel kiosk in Kuta or Pandang Bai, for example. For the sake of your wallet, bargain like our ancestors did. On the high side, you really should not be paying more than Rp 300k one way. Once you work your magic, mentally prepare to be swarmed by people selling tacky souvenirs and overpriced Pringles. Then physically prepare for the waves of the sea as you get one ride closer to the party paradise.

Depending on where you fall on the spectrum from proudly lazy to fiercely fit, there are a few ways to spend your days on Gili T. Being a beach bum is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Just take a walk, rent a bike, or hop on one of the horse carriages (there are no motorbikes) to find an ideal spot overlooking transparent turquoise waters. There’s honestly not one bad place to pop a squat. When your bum falls asleep and you feel the urge to get active, consider renting a paddle board, kayak, going for a swim, or climbing the World War two bunker for a view. If you prefer to find Nemo and enjoy Gili’s beautiful marine life, then go to any of the travel desks and book a snorkeling or diving trip. With outstanding visibility and the spectacular array of underwater species, there’s no place better to be than under the sea. For those who go to Gili T for the sole purpose of pure intoxication, we highly recommend going on the party boat. Rounds of shots, too many Bintangs, and other lethal alcoholic beverages are calling you. Count five plus hours of fun in the sun followed by an land-bound afterparty. The one thing you must do, if you want to fit in with all the hipsters of Instagram, is to be sure head to the iconic swings by Ombak Sunset Hotel and The Exile bar. It’s neither a historic or cultural site; the meaning of it is a complete mystery. But tourists love it. Mostly because these “original” pics ensure more “likes” than the last three uploads combined. There is one last thing, we, as well as all of the locals, ask of you. Please respect the culture and cover up. You may be on holiday but that is not an excuse to flash anything to anyone. If this isn’t a bold enough reminder, the call to prayer will likely help you remember.

As daylight falls into the horizon, sun rays illuminate the sky with fluorescent and pastel colors. The water reflects highlighted clouds and slowly Gili T is taken over by the sight of tranquility. Sunsets on this island will take your breath away. Even without the weed or shrooms that you will likely be offered. Keep in mind it is extremely illegal to consume drugs in Indonesia despite the overwhelming presence on the island. Be smart and be safe.To be a witty drunkard, head to the night market to line your stomach with heaps of food. For a whopping Rp 20k you get to select five Indonesian items to fill your plate (which turns out to be a tower of food). If that isn’t enough to fill you up, you can also order a skewer of tuna, calamari, chicken, or beef for Rp 20k each. It is by far the cheapest meal of the day, and incredibly tasty in every possible way. Just be aware of where you sit because if you dine at the wrong vendor’s table you might end up on the beach. Now that you’ve made it into the wee hours of the night, pick where you’d like to pregame. Either buy some booze and bring it back to your villa, hostel or homestay or make your way over to the main strip for drinking game shenanigans at Jiggy Jig’s. Rp 150k will buy a proper buzz as you down the free flow for two hours. Once you’ve poured some liquid courage into that body and you’re ready to boogie simply follow the crowd. Don’t worry, there is no way to miss the party spot. The main road floods with sweaty backpackers doing everything from getting it on to getting their tolerance all wrong. Different bars throw their parties on specific days so just gravitate towards the live music. On Fridays go to Rudy’s Pub, Blue Marlin on Monday, if it’s a Wednesday head to Tir Na Nog, but no matter the night, Sama Sama throws down with a reggae band. Of course after the party there is the after party. Keeping within the island vibe it’s usually a bonfire on the beach. On your way there, stop at one of the 24 hour stores to restock your supply of Bintangs. As if you weren’t drunk enough yet. But the party never stops on Gili T. It’s okay, we get it, you’re on holiday. It will cross everybody’s mind, “how did midnight turn into 6 am?” The sun will begin to rise, and it’s not even close to your bedtime. Hopefully you’ll wake up by midday feeling like P.Diddy. it’s a new day, which is your next reason to beach, drink, and repeat. 


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