Expensive Sekumpul Waterfall

Visitors to the waterfall located at Sekumpul, Sawan in North Bali are complaining about being required to purchase three separate tickets when visiting the area. The exotic and naturally beautiful locale features two separate waterfalls one of 90 meters in height and another of 60 meters.
The location is seldom visited by visitors to Bali, due to a lack of promotion and the wider recognition of the Git-Git waterfall located on the road between Bedugul and Singaraja.
Those who do manage to find the Sekumpul waterfalls are greeted by a place of great natural beauty and, sadly, insistent demands from locals to pay for admission to the location three times. The first ticket is sold at the entrance gate near the main road, located before the parking area, where Rp. 15,000 is demanded from foreign tourists and Rp. 5-10,000 from domestic visitors. As visitors approach the waterfalls by foot a second ticket must be purchased at roughly the same cost as the first ticket. Two paths diverge leading to the two waterfalls, with a ticket purchase demanded to those taking the path to the right and again if they choose to see the second waterfall by walking down the path to the left.
A local guide explained that the only official entrance ticket is the one purchased at the main road entrance, with the tickets near the waterfalls representing a local initiative lacking any official authorization.
When tourists complain about the additional ticket requirement local citizens insist they have every right to seek payment from those who pass over and through their private lands to view the waterfalls.
An official from the village of Sekumpul confirmed that the ticket sales taking place near the waterfall are illegal, frustrated by the failure of past efforts to stop the practice. The only official admission fee is that collected at the entrance to the parking area, part of which is given to the local village of Lumukih.


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