Angkasa Pura I appointed to build Buleleng Airport

PT Angkasa Pura I has been appointed by the central government to finance the construction of a new airport in Buleleng Regency, Bali.

“Now we just need to ask for a letter of assignment from the Ministry of SOE to PT Angkasa Pura I,” said Deputy Governor of Bali, Ketut Sudikerta in Denpasar on Tuesday.

His party along with Regent of Buleleng, Department of Transportation, and the associated team members went to the SOE Ministry in Jakarta, to request the assignment letter.

Meanwhile, Head of the Department of Transportation, Information and Communications (Dishubinfokom) of Bali Ketut Artika stated that the Buleleng airport development plan was based on a letter from the Minister of Transportation.

In the letter addressed to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises and the Minister of Tourism, to support the National Tourism Strategic Area (KSPN) in Bali Province related to infrastructure development, which is for the railway construction to be assigned to PT KAI and the construction of a new airport in north Bali id given to PT Angkasa Pura I.

On the other hand, Artika explained, with the appointment of PT Angkasa Pura I as initiator of the construction of Buleleng airport, the airport construction site automatically will be determined by them based on the results of the studies.

“They certainly will conduct a feasibility study related to the airport development plan in terms of economic, financial and cultural as well as the key factor of aviation safety,” said Artika.

Meanwhile, Bali Governor Made Mangku Pastika supports the construction of airport in Buleleng which will be built by PT Angkasa Pura I.

The Bali provincial government, he said, will also invest in the new airport to be built in the northern part of Bali. But the percentage of capital to be included has not been confirmed.

Associated with airport construction site, Pastika said it will be built in the district of Kubutambahan (eastern region of Buleleng) since there is land about 400 hectares. “The lands belong to indigenous peoples of Kubutambahan,” he said while also saying that the airport in Buleleng will be wider than Ngurah Rai Airport.

He hoped the airport of Buleleng soon be built because the fastest time needed for the completion of construction is five years.

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