Bali - Kedisan and Lake Batur

Kedisan is a small rural village nestled at the foot of the Mount Batur on the island of Bali, at the edge of Lake Batur, the largest lake in on the island. The village sits amidst the panoramic setting of the crescent shaped lake and the majestic volcano filling the skyline above.

It is one of 15 villages in the Kintamani Region, about 2 hours north from Denpasar, capital city of Bali.

Located between Lake Batur’s shore and the magnificent Mount Batur, Kedisan’s soil is well irrigated by the river and incredibly fertile due to the volcanic ash. That, combined with the cool mountainous climate makes it the perfect crop-raising terrain. It’s no wonder, therefore, that this region is inhabited largely by those that make a living by farming. Kedisan’s colorful patchwork of agricultural produce includes onions, cabbages, peppers, tomatoes and much more. Some residents of Kedisan also work as fisherman, as Lake Batur is home to quite the abundance of fish.

The Kintamani region has been well known since the 9th century, as is proven by various royal edicts engraved on copper plates found throughout Kedisan and the other villages around Lake Batur, such as Trunyan, Songan and Buahan. Kedisan is a rugged, mountainous region, so make sure to bring the appropriate shoes and clothing. The best time to visit is during the summer, as the paths tend to be slippery during the rainy season.

One of the main attractions of Kedisan Village is Terapung Restaurant: a restaurant that floats on the surface of Lake Batur. This floating restaurant is the only restaurant around Lake Batur, and offers the seating choice of floating gazebo, or a floating lounge. Savor the delicious menu of freshly caught fish, fried or grilled with a delectable blend of Balinese spices to a backdrop of the clear blue lake and Mount Batur towering above. A crisp and spicy flavor, coupled with the beautiful scenery and cool mountain breeze creates a serene and romantic ambiance that will not easily be forgotten.

Given its location at the foot of Mount Batur, this village is a great stopping place before setting off up the mountain. Kedisan is approximately 6 kilometers away from Toya Bungkah, another village commonly used as a climbing point of Mount Batur. Toya Bungkah is also known for its natural hot springs, believed to relax the muscles and nurture healthy skin. A small pier is built in Kedisan Village on the banks of Lake Batur. Many small boats dock at this pier, ready to take you on a tour around the lake, or across the lake to the other surrounding villages. From this dock, you can also cross over to Trunyan – a village famous for its unique burial traditions. Unlike most parts of Bali, the people of Trunyan do not cremate their dead, but instead embalm them in the oil of the Taru tree and store them in large stone basins.

Aside from being an agricultural village, Kedisan produces many wooden handicrafts that can be purchased as souvenirs. These crafts include a variety of shapes such as cats, elephants and even miniature Buddha statues. While in Kedisan, you can also observe the entire process from the wood selection, to the carving process, to painting, and finally, the final product. In addition to wooden artifacts, mosaics and other glass crafts can also be found.


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