Bali - your personal safety

There has been a lot of dialogue lately about the issue of personal safety and protecting your property.

The issue of riding motorbikes without helmets and protective clothing has come up time and again. If someone were to push you off the motorbike and you’re wearing an evening dress and sandals, you will definitely have some injuries. The lovely young things with hot pants and bikini tops floating down the street with their hair flowing in the wind and a shoulder bag flying behind them, are easy prey.

A patch of gravel, a vehicle coming out of a gang without looking, or a stray dog darting onto the road is far more likely to result in an accident than a random mugging but still we see them every day, riding thoughtlessly through the streets. Heading home down a dark street alone is another thing you wouldn’t want to do in a city, or pretty much anywhere else and yet people still do.

Simple things can help like not going home alone if you live down a dark gang or in a quiet street, take a buddy with you or get a taxi to drop you at the door, don’t drive drunk and unprotected at night, don’t carry lots of money or expensive things with you if you can avoid it, don’t have your bag hanging over your shoulder where a passing bike can pull it, and you, off the bike, check the entrances to your house and make sure you aren’t giving easy access to burglars. Simple precautions can prevent some of these things happening.

Currently there is a rise in road robberies, the method is not a new one; throw some nails in the road to create a flat tire. The driver stops, gets out and his belongings are taken from his car. An oldie but obviously still a goodie. Stay in the car, phone for help, or drive slowly to help.

Dogs can be poisoned, security guards can fall asleep and a determined burglar will find a way to get in if they really want to, but don’t make it easy, is the point of it. Personal safety is an issue wherever you go but don’t imagine that because you are in Bali you are removed from the social problems that exist elsewhere, that you are free from danger. It exists everywhere, it exists here too and no one is immune. Just by taking simple precautions however, you can minimize the risk to self and property.

A self defense expert reminded everyone that at the end of the day the bag, the phone, the money can be replaced, it isn’t worth your life to fight for it. Give it up and live to tell the tale.

Robbers have two objectives: to get your stuff and not get caught. The message is simple, be aware of the risks, take precautions, stay safe and if you do get into trouble, give it up and then report it to the police, so make sure you know their number and where they are. It might not always be the solution but if they don’t know, they can’t help.

Drive save, keep Bali safe, don't give people a change.


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