Bali - save the sea mammals

The Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry established a task force to address incidents of stranded sea mammals in Bali.

Members of the task force include individuals from the Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry, the marine police, navy, as well as NGOs, dive operators, life guards, marine experts, research agencies, university and volunteers.

Bali is the first province in Indonesia to establish such a task force. After Bali, the ministry will set up similar task forces in West Java, East Nusa Tenggara and East Kalimantan. The provinces were deemed priorities because of the frequency of incidents and species present.

The task force would optimize efforts to rescue the stranded sea mammals and return them alive and minimize the impact of disease spread by bacteria found in decomposing carcass.Establishing a task force is one of the programs to save stranded sea mammals, in addition to creating rescue guidelines, conducting regular training and strengthening coordination with related institutions.

The most common species found were irawaddy dolphin, sperm whale and short-finned pilot whale. Between 1987 and 2013, there were 203 recorded cases of stranded sea mammals in Indonesian waters.

The most frequent incidents were in East Kalimantan (96 incidents), followed by Bali (37), West Papua (12), and West Java (11). In Bali, many incidents occurred along the southern coast of the island, including in Badung, Denpasar, Gianyar, Tabanan and Jembrana.


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