Bali - Puputan Bading Field in Denpasar

On Sept. 20, 1906, thousands of people from the Badung kingdom and their King fought the Dutch army until their last drop of blood. This war ended with their loss and is referred to in Balinese as puputan, which means “the end”.

The exact location of the puputan is now known as the Puputan Badung field of I Gusti Ngurah Made Agung, the name of the king who led the big war.
To forever honor the war, at the northern side of the field, statues of three men carrying spears and kris were erected, symbolizing the people of Badung who fought the Dutch.

Not many people may be aware that since June 23, 1960, next to field is the Catur Muka statue, which represents the zero-kilometer point of Bali’s capital city. A cement stake with the writing DPS 0 has been placed in front of the Bali governor’s home office on Jl.Surapati, Denpasar.

As the zero-kilometer point of Denpasar, this field is often chosen to host various activities. For example, as the meeting point for the giant ogoh-ogoh effigies during the night of pengerupukan in Denpasar, the eve before the Hindu Day of Silence, Nyepi. The field also serves as the location for the opening parade of the annual Bali Arts Festival.

There are several highly important places surrounding the zero-kilometer point, including Denpasar’s largest temple Pura Jagatnatha, the headquarters of Kodam IX/Udayana, the Denpasar mayor’s office, the home office of the Bali governor and the Bali Museum.

For most residents, the Puputan Badung field is a hangout spot, especially during weekends and holidays. Thousands of residents are never bored of flocking around the field the size of two soccer fields. Almost every weekend, a dance performance is hosted on the southern side of the field.
Every morning and afternoon, hundreds of residents jog around the field, some with their spouse, others with families. In the middle of the field, children and adults play soccer in several different groups. Since last year, a playground with a see-saw, swing and slide for children has also been built on the field.
The zero-kilometer spot of Denpasar is indeed a melting pot for all kinds of activities, from tourism, sports, to family time and even sightseeing.


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