Bali - Rujak

Rujak, a traditional Indonesian tropical fruit salad, is a favorite dish of many communities in Indonesia, as well as some of its neighboring countries, like Malaysia or Singapore.

The slices of assorted fruit, such as fresh mango, jambu air (water apple), starfruit, young papaya, pineapple and pommelo (a kind of pink grapefruit), mixed with a hot spicy palm sugar dressing may look and taste especially inviting during the hotter weather.

In Bali, rujak is also very popular, with various fruit mixtures and sauces available. There is a delicious pommelo rujak, locally known as rujak jerungga.
Pommelo is also known as Jeruk Bali — the Balinese citrus fruit. Pommelo is considered to be the king of citrus fruits for its sheer size: Some varieties are the size of a small basketball, while others are like an enormous grapefruit. Pommelos also vary in color, from dark green on the outside to a coral-orange color and sometimes even yellow. The skin can be very thick, up to 2 inches, depending on the hybrid. Some come to a peaked top (where the stem joins the tree), while others are completely round. The inner fruit ranges in color from white to pink.


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