Of all the dances seen on Bali today, the Kecak dance is perhaps the most dramatic. Taken from the Hindu epic Ramayana, the dance tells the story of Prince Rama and his rescue of Princess Sita, who has been kidnapped by the evil King of Lanka. Unlike other dances, there is no gamelan orchestra accompanying it. Instead, a troupe of over 150 bare-chested men serve as the chorus, making a wondrous cacophony of synchronized "chak-achak-achak" clicking sounds while swaying their bodies and waving their hands.
The Legong dance is the quintessential Balinese dance in all its glory. A classical dance that springs from age-old temple dances performed to appease the gods, the Legong is the epitome of grace and beauty. It is characterized by highly stylized slow movements. Its delicacy is heightened by the fact that is performed by richly costumed young dancers (sometimes only four years old), many of whom retire at the tender age of 18.
The Wayang or shadow puppet is the most prominent theatrical expressions in Bali. In a wayang kulit performance, flat cut-out figures are silhouetted against a translucent, white screen, with a coconut-husk lamp as its source of light. It is mostly expressions or enactments of religious mythology blended into one with historical facts that will keep a Balinese entertained all night long.
Barong and Keris Dance, Batubulan Village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Legong of Mahabrata, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Wayang Kulit, Oka Kartina Ubud, 20:00
Kecak Fire and trance Dance, Padang Tegal Kaja Ubud, 19:00
Barong and Keris dance, Batubulan village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Legong Dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Woman Gamelan Dance group, Bale Banjar Ubud, 19:30
Kecak Ramayana and Fire dance, Pura Dalem Ubud, 19:30
Barong and Keris dance, Batubulan village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Ramayana Ballet dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Wayang Kulit, Monkey Forest Ubud, 20:00
Legong Dance, Pura Dalem Ubud, 19:30
Barong and Keris Dance, Batubulan Village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Legong Dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Wayang Kulit, Oka Kartina Ubud, 20:00
Kecak Fire and trance Dance, Padang Tegal Kaja Ubud, 19:00
Barong and Keris Dance, Batubulan Village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Legong Dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Pura Taman Sari Ubud, 19:30
Kecak Monkey dance, Puri Agung Keliatan Ubud, 19:30
Barong and Keris dance, Batubulan village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Barong Dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Wayang Kulit, Oka Kartini Ubud, 20:00
Woman Gamelan Dance group, Bale Banjar Ubud, 19:30
Barong and Keris dance, Batubulan village, 9:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Batubulan village, 18:30
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Uluwatu Temple, 18:00
Legong dance, Ubud Palace, 19:30
Wayang Kulit, Monkey Forest Ubud, 20:00
Kecak Fire and Trance dance, Padang Tegal Ubud, 19:00