Bali - Makepung in Jembrana

Yesterday morning early the Makepung (buffalo race) for the Jembrana cup was held in our village Delodbrawah.

Villagers in Kaliakah, reviving the buffalo racing tradition or Makepung (Balinese for takeover) which take place on the wetlands.
Before makepung was not so popular as it is now, people held the race on the wetlands since the 1930s. Makepung now usually held on the dry land, whereas it was formerly took place on the wetlands to facilitate the working of agricultural land. Attributes that applied by the jockey was different compared to makepung which organized on dry land that is more vibrant. The Jockey of makepung on wetlands only wearing udeng or Balinese headscarves. While the buffalos used a variety of attributes, especially on their head and horns.

Makepung on the wetlands was initiated by way of joke of farmers in days of yore plowed together in one area of rice fields. In the past, since the rice fields were vast and no tractors, farmers used to plow their fields together. Afterwards the joke appeared to race the plough puller buffalo. Since it is considered as a unique Balinese tradition and is rarely done, makepung race will be held routinely every year. The right time is right for the race is in November which is the initial planting period for farmers.

In makepung, the track used is approximately 125 meters length wet rice field with three to four pairs of buffalo competed in one round. Muddy land makes the game becomes more exciting as the jockey often falls and wallow in it.
For the winner assessment is not only determined by the buffalo which first reach the finish line, but is also determined by the buffalo which runs in straight line with its upward head position. Makepung in Jembrana Regency is the tradition of agrarian community, specifically for makepung on a dry track in the streets, already popular in Bali and even abroad. Every year Jembrana Government organizes makepung race on dry land followed by hundreds of pairs of buffaloes.


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